The reason I made this site is to exploit a horrible thing called a poncho. The poncho is something that really does dominate Britian. They've been imported from Mexico. The original cool looking ponchos sported
by the likes of Clint Eastwood look like this:
Pretty damned cool huh? Yeah it sure is! Anyway now it's been replaced by a horrible woven piece of turd that looks like women are carrying around their comfort blanket around with them. Basically
they look like walking tents. The poncho has been turned from a Mexican symbol to a tatty piece of rubbish commonly seen around town. This is what an average poncho looks like:
Who wears this?
Well mainly little kids which doesn't bother me as they look kind of cute but also mainly middle-aged women. They do look really funny.
How did this all begin?
Well one day my mate started noticing the sillyness of the poncho and since he's very confident he started shouting poncho whenever he saw a woman wearing one. This became a very amusing game.
Mean I know but hey, they were fully grown women who were clearly trying to impress someone (A group of friends or a celebrity perhaps) so our negative criticism could only have a positive outcome.
Next time just laugh when you see a poncho, make a thing of it and hopefully we'll rid Britian of them!
What can I do to help?
Well firstly you can purcahse some cool apo gear to show everyone that you're a member of the cause. Go on my shop now at Cafepress. Have fun!