
If you've come on this site chances are that like me you absolutely hate ponchos. They are a stupid new item of clothing robbed from Mexico and brought into Britain. They're normally worn by middle-aged women and kids that want to look cool for their friends. They are very funny to look at. Read more about my hate for the poncho by browsing through the links on your left! Have fun!


17:37 02/12/2004


I know have a shop! Yup, know you can buy all your apo gear, don't worry if you're in Britain like me these people will ship to you. Well here's my new shop: My shop!

Have fun, happy shopping, I'm sure these would make some great Christmas presents!
Join now by following this link:

23:09 26/11/2004


My site's expanding with a newly installed forum, it's just started and is now ready for an investation of anti-poncho enthusiasts!
Join now by following this link:

21:01 23/11/2004

The big 100

Good news, the info is really getting around! Sorry about the spam in the guestbook, this guy's finding me everywhere. Oh well, viva la revolution!

19:23 22/11/2004

Trinny and Susannah agree!

Yup these two women (who I assume know what they are on about) also think that the poncho is a pile of Gary! In their online interview they state... read more

20:06 21/11/2004
site launched!